Minister of State (MoS) for Home Affairs, G Kishan Reddy on Tuesday said that the Congress has become habituated of supporting and conducting Yatras in the name of Priyanka and Rahul Gandhi and get "dejected" if they have to participate in processions of great leaders like Mahatma Gandhi.
"Congress is obligated to Priyanka Gandhi, Rahul Gandhi but not Mahatma Gandhi. If we start any procession for Mahatma Gandhi, they (Congress) get dejected because what all they want is Priyanka and Rahul," he said during a Gandhi Sankalp Yatra at Secunderabad.
The Union Minister said that the Congress workers have become habitual of only supporting and conducting Yatras in the name of Priyanka and Rahul Gandhi.
"We, however, work for the country and are connected to ideologies of Mahatma Gandhi," Reddy said.
He also carried out a march called 'Gandhi Sankalp Yatra' with fellow party leaders and workers, holding national flags. The event was aimed to propagating the ideals of Mahatma Gandhi, like non-violence and cleanliness and spread awareness about the harmful effects of single-use plastic.