A Varanasi court on Saturday adjourned the case filed against actor Kamal Haasan over his remark on Hindu terror till November 22.
The case was filed under section 500, 511, 298, 295(a) and 505(c) of IPC over the actor's remark on Hindu terror in his column in Ananda Vikatan, a Tamil weekly.
Hassan, in his column, wrote, "In the past, Hindu right-wing groups would not indulge in violence, but they would hold a dialogue with the opposite parties on their arguments. But this old tactic was defeated and what they stated to do is use muscle power. They started indulging in violence."
"The right wing cannot challenge talk of Hindu terrorists because terror has spread into their camp as well," wrote the Tamil film icon.
Haasan's remark drew flak from various quarters, especially the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS).