BJP MLA from Nagpur (East) Krishna Khopde said that the Sataranjipura area should be handed over to the military as many COVID-19 cases have been found in the area.
"COVID-19 cases have been found in Sataranjipura in large numbers. This area should be handed over to the military. I have discussed this with the Municipal Commissioner," Khopde said on Sunday.
The administration here is taking strict measures to limit movement in COVID-19 hotspots in the city.
Barricades have been put up in Satranjipura and Mominpura areas that have been designated as COVID-19 hotspots.
According to the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, 1,985 COVID-19 positive cases have been reported so far in Maharashtra of which 217 patients have recovered and 149 patients have lost their lives due to the deadly virus.