As he celebrated sister Kritika Tiwari's birthday, actor Kartik Aaryan on Wednesday also shared pictures of a failed attempt at making cake, which turned into a 'Bada Biscuit.'
Along with a cake cutting picture of the birthday girl, the 29-year-old star also took to Twitter to share the pictures of what was meant to be a small cake but turned up as a large biscuit.
"Lockdown ka fayda - Celebrating Kittu's bday together after 7 years. Chota Cake Banane gaya...Bada Biscuit ban gaya ..Happy Birthday Doctor KiKi...Pride of the family," the caption read.
The 'Love Aaj Kal' actor who shared the same photographs on Instagram grabbed the attention of actor Arjun Kapoor who was quick to post a funny comment.
Referring to Kartik's hit film 'Sonu Ke Titu Ki Sweety,' Arjun commented "Sonu ki kittu ka bday. Happy birthday."
Television producer Ekta Kapoor also commented on the post with four heart emojis.