Rashtriya Mahila Gauraksha Dal national president, Sadhvi Kamal on Thursday has praised one of the cow vigilantes accused in the Alwar lynching case and referred to him as 'today's Bhagat Singh.'
Speaking to ANI here, Sadhivi Kamal said, "Great icons like Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and Subhash Chandra Bose who were innocent but hanged to death for nation, in the same way these cow vigilantes or gau rakshas who are fighting for the cow protection are called murderers. They did not do any wrong."
Kamal further asserted that the accused, who are all on the run have nothing to do with the case.
"It is a conspiracy against the gau rakshaks. I say this is wrong act against cow vigilantes and it is neither good for the government not the administration," Kamal said.
"I appeal Prime Minister Narendra Modi to take immediate action in this matter," she added.
Earlier on Monday, a video of the meeting between Kamal and accused Vipin Yadav, held at Yadav's college, showed the former showering praises on the young boy.
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In the video, Kamal said "Don't worry Vipin, the whole of Bharat is with you." Then, she turns to others and continues: "These boys are like (Chandrasekhar) Azad and Bhagat Singh, they have done nothing wrong".
A 55-year-old dairy farmer Pehlu Khan from Nuh in Haryana was grievously assaulted by self-styled cow vigilantes near Behror in Rajasthan on thr Delhi-Alwar highway on April 1, for being a cattle smuggler. He succumbed to his injuries at a private hospital on April 3.