Scientist have found that household curry spice curcumin, a member of the ginger family can help players recover from muscle injuries and therefore can be used by top Premier League clubs.
The scientists examined a group of 20 players who were induced with Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) and were made to run as fast as possible for 45 minutes on a downhill treadmill and following the run, half were given the curcumin treatment and the others received identical dummy pills and the group using curcumin had less pain and muscle damage, the Mirror reported.
Francek Drobnic, head of research conducted at the Barcelona Olympic Training Centre said that they always look for something that's better than paracetamol or aspirin for the players as they cause side effects.
Mike Davison, spokesman for the FIFA affiliated London Isokinetic Medical Group, where the evidence was presented, said that they need to do some more tests and has to change the resistance of people towards the benefits of some sorts of treatments.