In the wake of Cyclone Ockhi, the Indian Navy on Wednesday continued the search and rescue operation for missing and stranded fishermen off the Kerala coast.
Earlier, Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman assured the ministry was making every attempt to bring back stranded fishermen in the sea.
Speaking on the matter, MoS Home Affairs Hansraj Ahir also said the Home Ministry was taking immediate measures to make people feel safe.
"It was necessary to announce alert at places. The Home Ministry has taken immediate measures. We have deployed the National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) in two-three states. We want minimal loss to life and property," he added.
Ahir also stated that the state governments were working to help as much as they can, while they were also constantly monitoring the situation.
According to the National Crisis Management Committee (NCMC), about 240 fishermen from Tamil Nadu, 250 from Kerala and 1,047 people in Lakshadweep have been rescued till now from the seas.
The NCMC, which is headed by cabinet secretary PK Sinha, also took stock of the preparedness in Maharashtra and Gujarat which are likely to be impacted by the cyclone.