Telangana Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader G. Kishan Reddy on Monday said that the decision to make Tennis star Sania Mirza the ambassador of Telangana was rushed.
"I am not against Sania Mirza. However, I think we must not have hurried in making Sania Mirza the brand ambassador of Telangana. The decision to make her the ambassador was rushed," said Reddy.
On Friday, Mirza had criticised Telangana BJP leader K. Laxman for raising the brand ambassador controversy and had said that the issue should end soon.
"Person who made this statement must be very ignorant as I have won laurels for India even after my marriage. This is got nothing to do with India Vs Pakistan. Had anyone said I belong to some other nation I would have been equally hurt," said Mirza.
She also said that she is very humbled for being chosen as the brand ambassador of Telangana and said that she hopes to make it a better state.
Sania Mirza was declared the ambassador of the newly formed state of Telangana recently, but Telangana BJP leader K Laxman opposed her appointment, saying that she was Pakistan's daughter-in-law.