Expressing his dismay over the functioning of Rajya Sabha, Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu said on Saturday that he was "deeply distressed" by the behaviour of "some sections" during the last two years as the presiding officer and maintained that the disruptions of the proceedings is a "great disservice" to the democracy and letting down the people.
"I am deeply distressed by the behaviour of some sections during the last two years as the presiding officer of Rajya Sabha. Parliament functions on the rules of the constituent Houses, conventions, earlier rulings and code of conduct for members," he said.
"As the Chairman, it pains me if members chose to disregard them resulting in pandemonium which in turn erodes the stature of the House of Elders in the eyes of the public," he added while addressing a gathering after presenting the Democracy Awards Institute by the State Election Commission of Maharashtra.
His remarks came in the wake of unruly scenes witnessed in the Rajya Sabha during the voting process on the Right to Information (Amendment) Bill, 2019 as some of the treasury benches members were seen instructing some members of the like-minded parties. One of them even allegedly collected the voting slips, which is usually the job of officials. The Opposition members vehemently opposed it and later staged a walkout in protest.
"During this session, some members in their wisdom have preferred to tear official papers and throw them at the Chair on some occasions. Such conduct does not speak well of the functioning of our parliamentary democracy. Members of Rajya Sabha have a special responsibility cast on them of leading by example being the members of the House of Elders," he said.
He said it is the people who have imbibed the true spirit of democracy by regularly voting in the elections in rising numbers expecting that their representatives would work to make a difference to their lives but they often do not match the democratic spirit of the people through their conduct.
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"Democracy is all about debate, discussion, and decision. This can't be replaced by disorder, disruption, and delay in legislation which is nothing but a negation of the spirit of democracy," he said.
He said the basic functions of the Parliament and State Legislatures are making laws for socio-economic transformation but if MPs and MLAs resort to slogan shouting, rushing into the well of the Houses and disruption of the proceedings, they are only compromising on these three core functions of the legislatures.
"Stalling the functioning of legislatures means subverting democracy and betraying the people. This is a great disservice to the Parliamentary democracy and letting down the people, the patrons of it," he said.
The Chairman said it was the responsibility of both the treasury and the opposition benches to ensure smooth functioning of the Parliament by taking on board concerns of each other.
"Opposition parties do have the right and responsibility of seeking the governments to deliver on the promises made by them during the polls. They can and should take the governments to task if they deviate from what has been offered to the people for which various effective instruments are available in the Parliament and State Legislatures," he said.
He said the ruling and opposition parties should not look at each other as enemies or adversaries. The best way of going forward is to let the opposition has its say and the Government has its way.
"Democracy is all about the 'numbers' of each section of a legislature. Whoever has the highest numbers run the government and those who have lesser numbers are required to ensure that governments do not stray from the mandate of the people," he said.
"Our nation needs both effective and responsible governments and equally effective and responsible opposition. The country's interests are not well-served if either of them is found wanting. We are the largest democracy in the world. We shall be the best in terms of its quality as well," he added.
As the presiding officer of Rajya Sabha, Naidu said he always advocated a sense of balance and a spirit of accommodation by all the concerned urging upon both the ruling and opposition parties to be guided by the spirit of mutual respect.