Doctors treating Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal at Bengaluru's Jindal Nature Cure Institute on Sunday said his cough has also completely gone away and the blood and sugar level is also in control.
Dr. Thampi of Jindal Nature Cure Institute said Kejriwal's major treatment will be over by this evening and added that the latter is quite healthy now.
"Arvind Kejriwal will complete his 10 days treatment today. The medication has been brought down to 3,000 from what it was before when he got admitted. The cough has also completely gone away," Dr. Thampi said.
"He has to maintain the weight and follow the instructions advised by the doctors. The blood and sugar level is also in control now. We have brought down the sugar level to almost 30 percent than before when he came," he added.
Dr. Thampi further said that a complete list of do's and dont's has to be followed by the Delhi Chief Minister.
"A normal diet, exercise and yoga will be important. Stress can be taken once he is ready for it," he added.
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Kejriwal had left for the naturopathy centre in Bengaluru on March 5 to receive treatment for his deteriorating health.
Doctors had urged Kejriwal to undergo naturopathy after his cough worsened and sugar level crossed the 300 mark.