Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Subramanian Swamy said, it is not surprising that Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal was not invited for the inauguration of Delhi Metro's Botanical Garden-Kalkaji Mandir section of the Magenta Line.
Speaking to ANI, Subramanian Swamy said, "This is not surprising. This is a centrally financed project, all the efforts made by the Centre. Delhi administration has had very little role in it."
Swamy further averred that it is up to the Central Government to decide whom to invite.
"However, it the prerogative of the central government to decide who in addition to the Central government should be invited. I don't think there was anything extra ordinary to invite Kejriwal," added Swamy.
Earlier on Monday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated a stretch of the new Magenta line of the Delhi Metro.
Prime Minister Modi, along with Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, also travelled on a patch of the new route - from Noida to the Okhla Bird Sanctuary station.
The 12.64-km stretch runs between Kalkaji and Noida's Botanical Garden and accounts for a travel time of 19 minutes, thus facilitating easy access for commuters from South Delhi to Noida, and vice versa.