A Delhi court on Friday fixed January 22 as the next date of hearing in the criminal defamation complaint filed by former Union Minister MJ Akbar against journalist Priya Ramani.
Three more witnesses in the case recorded their statements today in Delhi's Patiala House court. Statements of all the witness concluded. Arguments on summoning will be held in the next date of hearing.
Priya Ramani is the first woman who accused MJ Akbar of sexual harassment in Patiala House Court.
In total, seven people (including complainant MJ Akbar) have recorded their statements in this criminal defamation complaint. In the next hearing, the counsels for Akbar are expected to do an argument on the point of summoning Priya Ramani.
All the witnesses who concluded their statements in favour of MJ Akbar said that MJ Akbar's impeccable reputation built over so many years was tarnished in their eyes and grave damage to his reputation was caused by tweets and publications. All these witnesses are associated with Akbar for many years.
Akbar resigned as the Minister of State for External Affairs in October last year after Priya Ramani and other women accused him of sexual harassment.