The entry and exit at Udyog Bhawan, Lok Kalyan Marg and the Central Secretariat stations on the Yellow Line of the Delhi Metro were closed on Monday, owing to various protests in the capital.
The Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) stated in a tweet that the trains will not stop on Udyog Bhawan and Lok Kalyan Marg stations today.
"As advised by Delhi Police, entry and exit at Udyog Bhawan, Lok Kalyan Marg and Central Secretariat have been closed. Trains are not halting at Udyog Bhawan and Lok Kalyan Marg," tweeted DMRC.
The capital witnessed a number of protests on Monday, including protests by the opposition parties against the introduction of the Citizenship (Amendment) Bill, and protests by JNU students against a fee hike that have been going on since October.