The Delhi government on Wednesday approved a proposal to pay the CBSE Examination Fee of Class X and XII students of the schools coming under its jurisdiction from the academic year 2019-20.
The cabinet took this decision in its meeting chaired by Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal. The scope and coverage of this decision is to give complete subsidy to the students towards CBSE Board exam fees.
The Directorate of Education will Patrachar VidyalayaPatrachar VidyalayaPatrachar Vidyalaya the total exam fee of students of government schools, government-aided schools -- including taken over schools -- and Patrachar Vidyalaya of Directorate of Education directly to CBSE through Heads of Schools concerned.
This includes the fee payable towards practical exams for science stream and vocational subjects opted by the students of Class XII. No fee shall be collected from students on account of CBSE Board Exam Fee.
The proposed scheme is expected to benefit around 3.14 lakh students from both classes X and XII. This new initiative is expected to cost about Rs. 57.20 crore per annum.