Police Commissioner Bhim Sen Bassi praised the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) for the launch of a subway at the highly congested ITO crossing. Saying that the subway will drastically reduce accidents caused by pedestrians crossing the road, he said that this was a step which was taken for the safety of pedestrians.
This subway, which will link up with the upcoming metro station at ITO, will connect the Police Headquarters to the Institute of Engineers and will also be open to those not travelling by metro.
"Delhi sees a lot of road accidents, with almost 2 lakh fatalities a year. Of this number, our analysis states that 40-50% of all casualties are pedestrians. As road safety is one of our priorities, I'd like to thank DMRC for launching this subway," Bassi said.
Guarantee the safety of the subway, Bassi praised DMRC for providing security at all of their facilities, especially for women. He also assured that police officers from the nearby IP estate police station would patrol the area.