Delhi Police on Thursday confirmed the arrest of a man, identified as Deepak Mandarwal, who had fleeced 15 businessmen to the tune of Rs.5 lakh each through impersonation.
Mandarwal, police said, went to each of these businessmen posing as one Ajay Kumar, an Assistant Executive with Centre for Development of Telematics (CDOT) and took electronic goods worth Rs. 5 lakh each from them.
Police said a special team headed by Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) Jimmy Chiram was formed to investigate the crime.
It was only after all records were scrutinized and CCTV footage assessed, that the police zeroed in on Mandarwal and arrested him near the court complex in Ghaziabad.
On interrogation, he led the team to a flat in Gaur city, a premium Apartment complex in Noida where electrical items like MCCB, PCB, Switches, ECCB, Timer, Wires, Power load relay, worth Rs. 60 lakhs was recovered.
Deepak Mandarwal is a B-Tech graduate, who worked in a Multinational Corporation (MNC) before venturing into contract work; he has done contracts with companies like L&T, CDOT, etc.
He is an expert in automation components installation. He had run into large loans as his contract work payments were delayed. He earlier tried to rob a bank in Muradnagar in UP and was caught.