Delhi Police on Tuesday released a video of its warning the senior members of Markaz, Nizamuddin to vacate Markaz and follow the coronavirus lockdown guidelines.
According to the Delhi Police, the video is of March 23, 2020.
At least 24 people staying at Markaz building in the Nizamuddin area of the national capital have tested positive for coronavirus, Delhi Health Minister Satyendar Jain said earlier today.
A meeting was held at Markaz by the Tableeghi Jamaat earlier this month and several COVID-19 positive cases have been of those who attended the gathering
Six persons from Telangana, who attended the congregation, have died of coronavirus, Telangana Chief Minister's office (CMO) said on Monday.
The total number of coronavirus cases in India has risen to 1,397 after 146 new patients were reported in the last 24-hours, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare said on Tuesday.