Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) spokesperson Sambit Patra on Tuesday said the upcoming Delhi Assembly polls is a battle between the "Iron Lady" (Kiran Bedi) and an "I-Run Man" (Arvind Kejriwal).
"AAP stands for the 3Ds: Dharnas, Drama and Debate. We stand for Democracy, Delivery and Decision. This debate is nothing but a gimmick for cheap publicity. It is nothing but a gimmick to gain cheap publicity. This is a battle between an "Iron Lady" and an "I-Run Man"," said Patra.
"If you want to debate, do it on floor of the assembly. AAP stands for "All About Publicity" not Aam Aadmi Party. A new game has begun, the "Twitter-Twitter" game, now Arvind Kejriwal wants Kiran Bedi to unblock him on Twitter? It's Drama Vs Development in Delhi, Development is going to defeat Drama, anarchy will be defeated by administration," he added.
Earlier, Kejriwal had invited Bedi for a public debate, after congratulating her for being nominated as the BJP's chief ministerial candidate for the Delhi polls. He also requested Bedi to unblock him from her Twitter account.
Both Kejriwal and Bedi were part of the anti-corruption movement led by activist Anna Hazare before the AAP chief decided to form his own political party.
Bedi was named as BJP's chief ministerial candidate on Monday night and will be fielded from Krishna Nagar seat in Delhi while Kejriwal will contest Delhi from the New Delhi constituency.
The elections for the 70-member Delhi Assembly will be held in a single phase on February 7, with the counting of votes set to take place on February 10.