Vijender Gupta, who is one of the three Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leaders to emerge victorious in the Delhi Assembly polls despite the Aam Admi Party's (AAP) landslide march to victory, on Tuesday said this is a victory of the people as they had immense faith in him.
Gupta, who won from the Rohini Assembly constituency, also said that this is a victory of the BJP.
"This is the victory of the people of Rohini. The people had faith on me. This is also a victory of our supporters. This is also a victory of our team, of the BJP," he said.
The BJP suffered reverses in the Delhi polls as even its chief ministerial candidate Kiran Bedi lost from the Krishna Nagar seat.
In a major setback for the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and the Congress, the AAP won the elections with 66 of the 70 assembly seats up for grabs.
The BJP, which was relying heavily on Prime Minister Narendra Modi's popularity and had also brought in former IPS officer Kiran Bedi as its chief ministerial candidate to counter Kejriwal, failed to live up to its expectation.
The Congress, which had ruled the national capital for 15 years up to 2013 and was trying to rebuild its lost ground in Delhi, has lost in all seats.