As New Delhi chokes with the rising level of air pollution, the Delhi High Court on Thursday slammed the central and state governments saying, they are only interested in doing vote-bank politics and are not concerned about people behind the ballot.
Criticising the governments for being ignorant, the High Court said, "Delhi ranks one of worst polluted city in world. The governments only care about politics and votes, not about the people behind the ballot."
"Pollution gives rise to several respiratory issues in kids and older people," the court added.
The High Court also warned the agencies and the government, saying they would not be spared because increasing air pollution violates one's right to breathe clean air.
Last month, while hearing the air pollution matter, the High Court had asked the states of Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Rajasthan, Haryana to prevent stubble burning for which the national capital every year grappled with the menace of haze even after orders of the National Green Tribunal (NGT) to stop the practice of burning of crop and agriculture residue.
The Delhi Government on Sunday unveiled a slew of steps, including closure of all schools for three days, to battle unprecedented smog levels that have drastically cut visibility and turned the national capital into a virtual gas chamber.