Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Kapil Mishra on Thursday accused Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader and Municipal Councillor Tahir Hussain for the killing of Intelligence Bureau officer Ankit Sharma, whose body was recovered from North-East Delhi's Chand Bagh area here on Wednesday. He also alleged that Hussain was in constant touch with Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal.
Taking to Twitter, the BJP leader said (roughly translated from Hindi), "The killer is Tahir Hussain. He dragged not only Ankit Sharma but also four other boys. Out of them, three of them have been found dead. In the video, Tahir Hussain can be seen with the masked boys carrying sticks, stones, bullets and petrol bombs. Tahir Hussain was constantly talking to Kejriwal and AAP leaders."
Yesterday, family members of Intelligence Bureau Officer Ankit Sharma had also alleged that a few people who were pelting stones from the building belonging to AAP leader and Municipal Councillor Tahir Hussain in Chand Bagh, had killed Sharma.
Ankit's father Ravinder Kumar has stated that his son was attacked while returning from his duty.
At least 28 people, including a police head constable, have died while around 200 people have sustained serious injuries in the violence that raged for three days in the North-East Delhi.