Taking a dig at Prime Minister Narendra Modi for the inconvenience caused to the common people due to the demonetisation drive, Congress vice president Rahul Gandhi on Monday said this is the direct result of one man having all the powers and taking action without thinking.
"The biggest economic decision in India's history was taken after consulting only three to four people. Where's the planning on its impact on the common people? This is the direct result of one man having all the powers and taking action without thinking," said Rahul.
"It has hurt the economy in an unimaginable way, especially fishermen in coastal belts, artisans, labourers working on daily wage and farmers in north India," he added.
Earlier today, Rahul stated that the poor are standing in queues while the elite and rich are carrying on without any hassles.
Rahul, who went across the national capital today, meeting people standing in queues outside banks and ATMs, told the media after emerging from a turbulent Parliament session that he had been conveyed by the locals that they were in severe distress following the Centre's drastic move.
"I went to see with my own eyes what is happening and people told me that as they stood in lines, deals were being carried out behind the banks as cash was given to select few with the rich and elite are pulling ranks in obtaining the newly minted notes. This is only benefitting those close to the Prime Minister," Rahul said.
Hitting out at the Prime Minister for steering clear of the Parliament, he said that the former does not even bother to speak to talk to his ministers when it comes to important decisions, adding in a mocking note that the Prime Minister needs a new title.
"Why should the Prime Minister show up to the Parliament anyway? He is on the next level. After all, he took the biggest economic decision in history while consulting with just a handful of people and not thinking about the consequences it would have on the common man," Rahul added.