The Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh, on Thursday expressed his disappointment regarding the increased number of violations along the Line of Control and the International Border despite gaining assurance from the Pakistani leadership of their intent to respect the cease-fire in September this year.
Dr. Singh also said that he hoped that his Pakistani counterpart Nawaz Sharif at this 'late hour' would realize that border violations were detrimental for both countries.
"Let me say that I am disappointed because in the New York meeting there was a general agreement on both the sides that peace and tranquility should be maintained on the border, on the Line of Control as well as on the International Border and this has not happened. It has come to me as a big disappointment," Dr. Singh said.
"We had agreed at that meeting that the ceasefire which was made effective in 2003, if it has held ground for 10 years, it could be made to hold ground later on also. The fact that this is not happening is something which is really a matter of disappointment. I sincerely hope that at this late hour Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif will recognize that this is a development which is not good for either of the two countries," he added.
On Tuesday, Union Home Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde visited Samba and Hiranagar sectors of Jammu and Kashmir on Tuesday to review the security situation on Line of Control (LoC), in the light of the increasing number of violations along the border, and promised stern action against the culprits.
In the September 29 talks between Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh and his Pakistani counterpart Nawaz Sharif, both sides had agreed that improving the situation on the LoC is the 'precondition' to 'forward movement' in the India- Pakistan relationship.