Aviation regulator Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) on Saturday asked the Air India (AI) management to take action against the unruly passengers, who allegedly created a ruckus onboard a Delhi-Mumbai flight at the Delhi airport on January 2.
The AI 865 Delhi-Mumbai Air India flight was delayed by over 7 hours at the Delhi airport.
"The video of a few passengers of AI 865 of January 2 is being widely circulated on different forums. The flight AI 865 of January 2 was considerably delayed due to technical reasons. Air India management has asked the operating crew for a detailed report on the reported misbehaviour by some passengers," Dhananjay Kumar, spokesperson of Air India, said.
"AI-865 was on schedule and ready for take-off on time but pilots of the flight found some technical glitches and the aircraft was taken back to the parking bay. Thereafter, an engineer was called for rectifying the glitches. In meanwhile, snacks and refreshment were served to the passengers inside the aircraft. The AI engineers declared the aircraft to be grounded due to technical glitches later. Another aircraft was arranged for Mumbai but it was late by seven hours," an Air India official said.