Amid the tussle over seat sharing among political parties in Maharashtra, Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) leader Majid Memon said on Monday that it doesn't matter to the NCP whether the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and Shiv Sena contest the upcoming elections together or separately.
In fact, he said that the NCP is least bothered about the BJP-Shiv Sena standoff ahead of the upcoming Maharashtra Assembly polls.
"We are least bothered with what is happening between the BJP and the Shiv Sena, it is there internal matter. It doesn't matter to us whether the BJP and the Shiv Sena contest together or separately. We are prepared for both the situations," Memon told ANI.
Stressing that the BJP and Shiv Sena should discuss matters behind closed doors, he said, "The talks with the Shiv Sena has come out in the open, in the media, Shiv Sena has told the media directly that they will give BJP 119 seats and that it is their final decision. Such things are usually not told to the media, whether it is the final decision, or if there is any room for accommodation, it is better if such things are discussed behind closed doors between the two parties."
When asked comment of the NCP-Congress alliance, Memon said, "We have repeatedly told the Congress Party that seat sharing should be on respectable and reasonable terms."
The elections for 288 member Maharashtra State Assembly are scheduled to be held on October 15.