28 years after passing out from the prestigious Hansraj college, Dr. Shah Rukh Khan, who is in Delhi for the launch of the title track of his upcoming film 'Fan,' finally received his Bachelor's Degree today.
During the promotional event at the 50-year-old Delhi-born's alma mater, the principal of the college, Rama Sharma, handed over the degree to the superstar, who hadn't collected it since the time he graduated, saying "We are very happy to present him the degree after so many years."
The pricncipal added, "We had kept his degree safely in our college. We are proud to bestow him with it today."
Shah Rukh, who is a 1985-88 batch alumnus of the Hansraj College and had studied BA in Economics in the college, said that he felt special coming back to the campus.
The 'Dilwale' star said, "This is a very special moment for me. I am back in my college, which I left in 1988. I am missing only one thing; my children are not with me today, as I wanted to show them every corner of my college.
The actor also signed the register after taking the DU graduate degree.
Notably, King Khan received the degree of Doctor Honoris Causa from the University Chancellor HRH The Princess Royal in Edinburgh in 2015.