Congress Member of Parliament Jairam Ramesh on Monday demanded that Prime Minister Narendra Modi-led central government should appoint a special counsel against the Adani group following the findings of the Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DRI) which has alleged overvaluation of coal imports.
The findings of the DRI which is under the Finance ministry, has apparently alleged overvaluation of coal imports from where??? to the tune of Rs 29,000 crore. However, the Adani group has challenged the DRI. The case will come up before the Bombay High Court on Wednesday.
Ramesh also alleged, "When the DRI complained regarding the procurement of power equipment by the Adani group which indicated at a scam of around 6,600 crores, a senior officer, under pressure from the Government, closed the probe into the matter."
Besides wrecking up 2007 Power Purchase Agreement signed between the Adani group and the Gujarat government, Ramesh also accused the Gujarat government of recently taking a decision to favour the Adanis by allegedly agreeing to purchase power for more than the agreed upon amount, while disobeying the Supreme Court's decision which had strictly ruled against increase of price.