In the wake of coronavirus, Uttar Pradesh Chief Secretary RK Tiwari, along with Additional Chief Secretary Home, Awanish Awasthi and DGP SS Awasthi on Sunday held meeting with various district officials via video conference. Tiwari said that almost 100 per cent people stayed at their homes and observed 'Janata Curfew'.
"Through video conferencing, we have reviewed the preparedness to tackle the coronavirus. The state government is ready, all necessary things are being arranged. We thank the people for cooperating till now. During 'Janta Curfew', almost 100 per cent people are staying at their homes. Only those from emergency services like police and health officials, are outside. We appeal to the people to stay at homes," Tiwari said.
"Also, it is being considered that sanitisation be done wherever it is necessary. The Janta Curfew is till 9 pm, but we appeal to the people to stay at their homes," he added.
The nation is observing 'Janata Curfew' today after the Prime Minister on Thursday laid emphasis on individual 'determination' and "restraint through social distancing" in fighting the global pandemic and called for 'Janata Curfew' on March 22 to prepare for challenges of the future.
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