The Indian Navy on Wednesday said the massive fire at a bio-diesel manufacturing plant in the Duvvada Special Economic Zone (SEZ) near Visakhapatnam has been subdued and would be brought under control soon.
"Fire seems to be under control, but it'll take another four to five hrs to bring situation completely under control... Indian Navy is here since last night and we have deployed 15 fire tenders for fire fighting," Indian Naval officer Rajesh Shetty told ANI.
"Twelve fire tenders including foam types have already been deployed by the navy. Medical teams and quick reaction teams continue to be on standby," he added.
Meanwhile, a Dornier aircraft of the Indian Navy conducted an aerial recce over the facility this morning, confirming that eight tanks were still ablaze.
The fire, which erupted in the Biomax Company around 7.30 p.m. yesterday, has become a massive challenge for the authorities due to the presence of highly inflammable material in the plant's premises.
According to reports, eighteen tanks of fuel and raw materials were present at the Biomax's unit at the time of fire. No causalities have been reported so far.
Such was the intensity of flames that Eastern Naval Command was pressed into service to aid the local authorities.