Union Railway Minister Suresh Prabhu, who inaugurated the much-awaited Agartala-Delhi broad gauge passenger rail service in Agartala, today said this has been possible because of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's vision for the development of north-eastern states, adding the latter's dream is to make this region one of the highest per capita income-rich-areas in the country.
"Due to connectivity, more employment and income will be generated in the northeast. IRCTC would be advised to explore possibility of developing tourist packages for the northeast and Bangladesh for wider connectivity of the region," he added.
The Railway Minister further said the railway budget has increased every year during the rule of Prime Minister Modi's government, adding the budget will be more than 7,000 crore rupees for the region next year.
"More actions are to be taken by the ministry to improve the facilities of the Railway and efforts are being made to modernize it," he added.
The train was flagged off from Agartala railway station in presence of Prabhu's Bangladesh counterpart Minister Mazibul Hoque.
They also laid the foundation stone for the 15-km railway India Bangladesh rail link between Agartala and Akhwara in the neighouring country.
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The new weekly train - Agartala-Anand Vihar (Delhi) Tripura Sundari Express (14019-14020) will leave every Sunday from Agartala station and in 48 hours reach its destination Anand Vihar station.
Tripura Governor Tathagata Ray, Chief Minister Manik Sarkar, Railway Minister of State Rajen Ghowai and several other Ministers and MPs of Tripura were present in the inauguration programme.
The new train will stop at Ambasa, Dharamnagar, Karimganj, Badarpur, New Halflong, Lemding, Hosai, Jagi Road, Guwahati, New Bongwai, New Jalpaiguri, Katihar, Barauni, Patliputra Junction, Mughalsarai, Allahabad and Kanpur Central.
Meanwhile, India will fund for the total 15 kilometer international rail project between India-Bangladesh, which is to be constructed at a cost of Rs 580 crores.
Recently the Ministry of Development Of North Eastern Region (DoNER) has already released the first installment of Rs 150 crore for the 5 kilometer overhead portion inside India and for which land acquisition work has already started.
The remaining 10 kilometer inside Bangladesh will cost Rs 360 crores to be funded by the India External Affairs Ministry.