Bollywood actor Emraan Hashmi has dropped a romantic track 'Aaina' from his upcoming flick 'The Body'. The 40-year-old actor shared the song on Twitter and captioned the track as," Banaa le mujhe Aaina ke mere har lafz ka...Tu hi ek maaina. #Aaina."
The two-minute-twenty-three second song is a romantic track to listen on loop. The soulful track is penned by Arko. The song was crooned by Arko, Tulsi Kumar, and Neha Kakkar. The soulful song is filmed in breathtaking locations which adds another factor to get glued to the song.
Along with Emraan, the song also features Vedhika Kumar, playing the role of his girlfriend, Sobhita Dhulipala is essaying the role of Maya, a successful and powerful businesswoman in the film. The movie also features Rishi Kapoor in the role of an investigating officer.
The mystery thriller is helmed by director Jeethu Joseph who is making his directorial debut in Bollywood with the film.
Last year, in July, the team completed filming after shooting for over 45 days in various parts of Mumbai and Mauritius. It is jointly produced by Sunir Kheterpal and Viacom 18 Motion Pictures.The film is set to open in theatres on December 13 this year.
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