In the wake of the alleged molestation of a Burmese girl in Sitapuri locality of Delhi, Janata Dal (United) spokesperson Rajiv Ranjan Prasad on Monday said the law and order situation in Delhi is only deteriorating, and thus, the Centre should consider Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal-led Aam Aadmi Party's demand of bringing the Delhi Police under the jurisdiction of the Delhi Government.
Recalling the 2012 gang-rape case in Delhi, Prasad said Delhi has learnt nothing and has been earning the reputation of "rape capital".
"To bring the law and order to the right path, I feel the demands made by the Delhi Government about the jurisdiction of police should be given a thought by the Centre, because the law and order in Delhi is only deteriorating," Prasad told ANI.
He also pointed out that the law and order situation in Delhi is questionable.
"All these show and prove that the maintenance of law and order situation by the Home Ministry under Prime Minister Narendra Modi-led government is questionable. The Delhi High Court has also termed the governance of Delhi as 'jungle raj'," he added.
Meanwhile, the Delhi Police on Sunday claimed to have arrested three accused, including two juvenile, in connection with the molestation the 23-year-old Burmese girl.
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Following the complaint by the accused, the Dabri Police Station registered a case against Praveen under sections 34 (acts done by several persons in furtherance of common intention), 308(attempt to commit culpable homicide) and 354(assault or criminal force to woman with intent to outrage her modesty) of the Indian penal Code (IPC) on Saturday.
The main accused was produced before a Dwarka Court, which sent him to a 14-day judicial custody, while police have requested the Juvenile Justice Board (JJB) to treat both the juveniles, who are above 16 years, as adults, citing their previous crime records.