The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Monday said the Congress has never faced a situation like now and added that even during the Emergency period (1975-1977), they did better in the assembly polls.
Speaking at a state BJP legislature meeting, senior leader M. Venkaiah Naidu said, "The Congress has never faced such a scenario, and, not even during the Emergency period did they face such a crisis as they are facing today. Their worst performance was in post-emergency elections. This is much worse than that."
"At that time they got only ten seats in Delhi but this time they could only manage eight seats. In Rajasthan, they had got 40 seats, but today they have got 21 seats. In MP they had got 84, but today their tally stands at 58," Naidu said.
"The only message that can be taken out of these polls is that people want the Congress to go, and instead, wants the BJP to come back. Even after such a big campaign, people have chosen the BJP over the Congress. This is because they were satisfied with the performance of the BJP,"
"There is TINA ('There Is No Alternative' to Narendra Modi) factor, which is working for the BJP. The Congress doesn't have any leader. They are confused whether to tell the name or not," he said.