Analysts are concerned that US President Barack Obama's authorization of air strikes in Iraq may not be sufficient to control the incessant al Qaeda-inspired militancy in the volatile country.
According to The Washington Times, Retired Army Lt. Gen. James M. Dubik said that the strikes Friday against artillery and mortar positions of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) were "necessary but not sufficient" to seriously confront threat now posed to the region and to the wider world.
Gen. Dubik said there needs to be a more comprehensive strategy rooted in the security interests of the United States.
He added that the key security problem facing the US is the creation there of an Islamic state, basically a sanctuary for terrorists - the very sanctuary that the army has been fighting for 13 years now to prevent.
Retired Army Lt. Gen. Dell Dailey, who headed the US Joint Special Operations Command during the early 2000s and later served as the State Department's counterterrorism coordinator, said that despite the recent deployment of a small number of US "advisers" to Iraq, the administration has failed to outline how Iraqi forces will be empowered, the report said.
Gen. Dailey said the move to begin bombing without a plan for what comes next "shows a lack of strategic vision, adding that it looked like something that's been dreamed up inside the White House and not dreamed up at US Central Command.
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According to, Obama said that he allowed use of American air power to protect American workforce in the Kurdish capital Arbil.
The US, after withdrawing its forces from Iraq at the end of 2011, did not intend to get involved into a war again, said Obama. He added that the Iraqi government had requested help from the Unites States.
Obama authorized airstrikes amid fears of a humanitarian disaster that has forced thousands of Iraqi minority Yazidis sect to flee from their homes to Sinjar mountain where they are reportedly stranded.
Many Iraqi Chritains have also escaped from their homes.
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