Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO and co-founder of Facebook reportedly earned 651,165 dollars in 2013, down from 2 million dollars in previous year.
Zuckerberg's compensation went down by 67 percent as he took a mere 1 dollar in base salary against 503,205 dollars a year before.
According to Hollywood Reporter, Zuckerberg made 3.3 billion dollars by exercising stock options, but those gains aren't considered part of his 2013 compensation.
The Facebook CEO made a profit of 2.3 billion on stock options.
Zuckerberg is reportedly worth 27 billion dollars and reportedly owns 426.3 million shares in Facebook.
Meanwhile Facebook's COO Sheryl Sandberg's pay dropped by 26.2 million dollars as she was paid 16.1 million dollars.
David Ebersman, the company's CFO earned 10.5 million dollars, down from 17.5 million dollars.