Actor Farhan Akhtar on Sunday said he is around 'good company' to follow today's Janta Curfew.
The 46-year-old actor shared a post on Instagram with two boomerang videos.
The first one is of his daughter Akira Akhtar, standing still facing downwards, whereas the other saw picture his girlfriend Shibani Dandekar cuddling their pet dog.
Alongside the shared post, 'The Sky is Pink' actor wrote: "In good company for today's #janatacurfew .. [?] Stay indoors. Stay safe. Let's beat this together. Big (virtual) hug"
On Thursday the Prime Minister appealed to citizens to follow 'Janta curfew' on March 22 in the view of novel coronavirus outbreak and said, "I am seeking one more support from every citizen today."
"This is a public curfew. Janta curfew means for the public, curfew imposed by the public on its own. Every citizen must follow Janta curfew on this Sunday, March 22, from 7 am to 9 pm," he added.