The Rashtriya Kisan Mazdoor Sangathan on Wednesday said Haryana Agriculture Minister O.P. Dhankar's 'farmers who commit suicide are cowards' comment is uncalled for.
He asserted that farmers have been pushed against the wall to such an extent that they have no option other than to commit suicide.
"The statement of the minister is unwanted and uncalled for. The farmer has been pushed against the wall to such an extent that thefarmer has no other option than committing suicide," said Rashtriya Kisan Mazdoor Sangathan president V.M. Singh.
Singh said the government is supposed to be a support system for the farmers, whereas they have let them down on all occasions.
"Whether it is the paddy purchase, sugarcane prices, or the crop insurance of wheat, which was not done by the government as such, by the virtue of which the farmer today is totally in distress. The government has not succeeded and has not performed in assisting the farmer. If there is any criminal action, it should be against the government," he added.
Dhankar had made his controversial comment on Tuesday, and said those ending their lives did not deserve the government's support.
"Suicide is a crime. According to Indian law, suicide is a crime. A person who commits suicide runs away from his responsibilities. Such people are cowards and the government cannot stand by such cowards or criminals," he said.