The movie, "Hamari Adhuri Kahani", revolves around Vasudha (Vidya Balan). In this movie, she plays the wife of Hari (Rajkumar Rao). Vasudha struggles with life, looking after her son after Hari mysteriously vanishes a year after their marriage. Vasudha takes up a job in a five star hotel to prevent herself from slipping into destitution and poverty.
In a sudden turn of events, Vasudha is asked to decorate the presidential suite of the hotel, where, the owner Aarav (Emraan Hashmi), who plays a millionaire hotelier has come to stay. As Vasudha is decorating the premises, Aarav falls in love with her and offers her a higher job. The movie takes some interesting twists and turns from there on.
Some of them are; a fire alarm prank played by Aarav and Vasudha accepting the new job offer. The twists and turns are quite evident, as there is love brewing between Aarav and Vasudha.
Hari, who is declared a terrorist, comes back to Vasudha and abuses her physically and emotionally. He imposes himself and Vasudha is caught trying to make up her mind between her true love and her married life.
There are many other twists and turns, but it is better you discover it yourself. I will not divulge much. There is also a small story about Aarav's childhood and a similarity between Vasudha's story and Aarav's mother.
Watch out for some cliched dialogues and moments.
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'Hamari Adhuri Kahani' looks into the various aspects of a woman's life after her husband goes missing for years, and the traditions that she has to abide by in her married life.
There is no particular time for true love to happen, it can happen anytime in a person's life. The movie touches on the intriguing complications of love and tradition.
Performance wise, Emraan Hashmi plays his character with ease. He is charming as a much in love hotel magnate.
Rajkumar Rao is quite convincing as the male chauvinist husband. Vidya Balan justifies her character as the woman in the middle and on the the edge as far as her marriage and her true love is concerned.
'Hamari Adhuri Kahani' is an emotional roller coaster ride from beginning till end. The whole movie is shown as a flashback read out from Hari's diary.
Director Mohit Suri has done a good job in ensuring suspense and the topsy turvy nature of the emotional saga.
The direction, overall, is impressive, the dialogues are very impactful, the story line and screenplay is good, while the music is soulful and nice.