P.H Parekh, a lawyer in the Supreme Court said on Sunday that while the new Chief Justice of India R M Lodha was addressing media persons he saw that a fire broke out in his own chamber and that there was no knowledge of how to tame it using fire extinguisher.
"I have Chamber no 134. I was attending the party of our new chief justice. When I came back I saw that my chamber was in fire. People here did not know how to open the fire extinguisher.
Something must have been burnt. I can confirm you that only after taking a look.
Short circuit is not a probability. But I cannot say you this on confirmation," a lawyer, P.H Parekh, said.
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A fire broke out on Sunday in the supreme old lawyers' chamber at around noon.
Police sources say that the fire is under control. It happened while the new Chief Justice of India R M Lodha was addressing media persons in the building which is over fifty years old.