Firefighters in Paris have been successful in dousing fire at Gare de Lyon train station here although protests nearby have created some access difficulty, the Police Prefecture said Friday.
A police source told France information broadcaster that the fire may have been caused by arson in protest against the concert of Congolese star singer Fally Ipupa taking place at the nearby Bercy Arena.
"#GareDeLyon The @PompiersParis [Paris firefighters] have contained the fire which is about to be extinguished. Avoid the area," the police said on Twitter.
The police also tweeted about the "scandalous behaviour" of protestors who were preventing the firefighters from getting closer to the fire. They also lambasted "unacceptable violence" of those at Gare de Lyon and near Bercy who "defy the ban on manifestations outside a concert," adding that as of 7:40 p.m. local time (18:40 GMT) there were 30 people detained.
The protestors reportedly accuse the singer of being too close to the government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.