Tamil Nadu Chief Minister E. Palanisamy has announced that the fireman, who died while attempting to douse the flames at a Chennai bakery, will be given relief from the Chief Minister's fund and his kin will be provided with a government job.
Palanisamy also announced that the injured will also be given relief from the Chief Minister's fund.
"The fireman who died will be given relief from the Chief Minister's fund and a government job will be given to one of his family members. The injured will also be given relief," he said.
Earlier, a fireman who was dousing the fire that broke out in a bakery in Meenambal Street in Kodungaiyur was killed on Saturday night.
Three personnel of the Tamil Nadu Fire and Rescue Services (TNFRS) also suffered severe burn injuries.
They are now being treated at the Government Kilpauk Medical College Hospital.
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