Union Sports Minister Vijay Goel on Wednesday announced that the first Gramin Khel Mahotsav will be held from 25th to 31st of next month in New Delhi.
Addressing a press conference in the national capital, Goel said the games will be held in five sports disciplines Athletics, Kabaddi, Kho-Kho, Volley Ball and Wrestling. He said a need has been felt to deepen the sports culture among the rural youth.
The Sports Minister said this festival will help participation of rural youth in large numbers in popular sports and encourage them to achieve excellence and adopt healthy life style.
He said these games are intended to act as a catalyst to promote sports in rural areas across the country and will be replicated in other states and union territories as well.
He said in order to capture the popular imagination and encourage the youth of Delhi to take keen interest in sports, renowned wrestlers Sushil Kumar, Yogeshwar Dutt and Geeta Phogat are being invited to participate in demonstration matches.