Dozens of messages were reportedly posted on Facebook when Prime Minister's new parliamentary secretary, Ed Husic, took oath on Koran, instead of holy Bible.
Husic, Australia's first Muslim frontbencher, was appointed to Kevin Rudd's new ministry as parliamentary secretary to the Prime Minister and parliamentary secretary for broadband on Monday, The Sydney Morning Herald reports.
According to the report, Kooyong member Josh Frydenberg, who was sworn into Federal Parliament along with members from several religions criticized the disregard shown by Australians toward other religious sentiments.
Earlier, Husic had said that he's a non-practicing Muslim.
Opposition leader Tony Abbott reportedly said he respects Husic's choice and Australians should also do the same.
President of the Anti-Discrimination Board and chairman of the NSW Community Relations Commission Stepan Kerkyasharian said that it was a sad day for the society, adding that Husic could act as a valuable bridge to put Australia at an advantage in the international community.