Congress vice president Rahul Gandhi took his 'suit boot ki sarkar' jibe to another level on Wednesday and criticised the NDA Government at the Centre for slashing expenditure on education, healthcare and instead giving contracts to five or six business people who are close to Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
"What the government is doing right now is to give contracts to large number of business people. That also very limited business people. Five or six business people who are close to dispensation. It's actually much worse then a suit boot ki sarkar. It is five or six suit boot ki sarkar," Gandhi said while addressing students at Mount Carmel College here.
"India will only succeed if two things happen. Number one, that you grow the economy and number two that you take the benefit to the poor people, because the real strength of this country is the poor people," Gandhi added.
Gandhi also criticised the Modi government for slashing expenditure on education and healthcare which has raised the rate of unemployment in the country.
"We have to transfer the economic growth to the poor people. The problem with the government is that they are slashing expenditure on the money that they should be sending to the poor. They are slashing expenditure on education, healthcare and there are no jobs. Congress party produced the fastest growth rate in the last ten years. This was because we were sending money to the poor," he said.
"The central idea of the Prime Minister which I contest and don't agree with is that he believes that India can be run through the PMO. He believes that Narendra Modi himself can transform India. I don't believe that. I believe that only way to transform India is to empower people like you," he added.
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Gandhi also said that his grand old party believes in the distributive concept rather than the suit boot concept.
"That's the difference between the suit boot concept and the distributive concept which the Congress party believes in. Suit boot is completely failing because there are no jobs, economy is in doldrum, and there are no healthcare and education expenditure," he said.