Making 5 key lifestyle changes can help you slash risk of developing dementia by one-third, according to a news research.
Age UK carried out an analysis, which revealed that our lifestyle was responsible for a significant amount of brain ageing. Charity's director Caroline Abrahams, said that though there was still no cure to reverse dementia, there were simple ways to keep the brains healthy, hence reducing the risk of developing it, the Daily Express reported.
The review revealed that in a UK study hat was carried out over 30 years, it was found that men aged between 45- 59 who followed 4 or 5 of the golden rules, had 36 percent lower risk of developing dementia.
The rules involved: regular physical exercise about 3-5 times a week for between 30 minutes and an hour, eating a healthy Mediterranean diet, not smoking, keeping alcohol intake moderate, getting treatment for problems such as high blood pressure, obesity and diabetes which are known precursors of the disease.