Former home secretary Madhukar Gupta, who had led a delegation of Home Ministry officers to Islamabad for talks a day before the 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks, has rejected the charges of enjoying Pakistan's hospitality in Murree, a hill station close to Islamabad.
Gupta told ANI he had no idea why some reports were suggesting that the delegation was holidaying in Murree.
"It is inaccurate that there was no signal in Murree. I got a call from India, who informed me about the attacks and told me to switch on the television," said Gupta.
Gupta said when he came to know about the attacks in Mumbai, the delegation contacted the senior leadership in India.
"As soon as we saw the terror strike, we spoke to all concerned persons, who were supposed to be spoken. Nobody knew that 26/11 would happen," he added.
The former home secretary further said the 26/11 attacks in Mumbai clearly depicted duplicitous role of Pakistan, adding it was not for the first time that such incidents had happened.
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He reiterated that he was in constant touch with people back in India when the attacks took place.
"I was in touch with everyone when the disaster struck; what are we trying to prove going into speculation eight years later? I don't know what purpose it will serve to ask eight years later if we were deliberately sent to Murree," he asked.
He further asked as to how the things could have changed by his physical presence.