The Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) on Tuesday said to have blocked the exit points of four of its stations- Central Secretariat, Udyog Bhavan, Mandi House, and Pragati Maidan-owing to thousands of revelers who thronged the surrounding areas to ring in the New Year.
The DMRC said that they took this measure as per the orders from the Delhi Police. However, commuters will be allowed to enter the four metro stations without facing any hassle.
"As per the instructions from the Delhi Police, exits at Central Secretariat, Udyog Bhavan, Mandi House, and Pragati Maidan metro stations are blocked with immediate effect. Entry of commuters is allowed," said the DMRC in a statement.
The Central Secretariat, Udyog Bhavan, Mandi House, and Pragati Maidan stations are all located in the heart of the national capital. These places witness a huge crowd during festivals owing to the presence of several shopping places, restaurants, and hotels.
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