Five people including four in Madhya Pradesh and one in Chandigarh were tested positive for COVID-19.
Among four in Madhya Pradesh include three from Indore and one from Ujjain.
Men from Indore are of ages- 60 years, 42 years and 23 years and the man from Ujjain is 23-year-old, Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Medical College, Indore said.
Meanwhile, the Chandigarh Administration said that a 22-year-old male residing in Sector-30, Chandigarh with a history of travel to Dubai has been diagnosed as the eighth COVID-19 positive cases in the Union Territory, as per report received from Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education & Research (PGIMER).
The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare had earlier reported that the number of people who tested positive for coronavirus rose to 724 in the country.