The Gorkha Janmukti Morcha, which has launched protest demanding a separate Gorkhaland, on Thursday, announced continuation of its indefinite strike after conclusion of the all party meeting in Darjeeling.
The ongoing GJM protest from last two weeks has caused great difficulty for the passengers who have been stuck in the state.
Yesterday, the Public Works Department (PWD) office of the Gorkhaland Territorial Administration (GTA) was set ablaze by the GJM workers. They also burnt copies of the tripartite GTA accord at several places.
The landmark GTA accord was signed on July 18, 2011 between the Centre, the West Bengal Government and the GJM, paving the way for a semi-autonomous body to rule the hills.
The burning of the accord symbolises total rejection of the agreement into the struggle for statehood. The GJM took out a 'Tubelight' rally in Darjeeling.
Thousands of GJM supporters came down on the streets to take part in the agitation.