The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) and the Delhi Commission for Women (DCW) on Friday issued a notice, seeking report over rape of a six-year-old girl, which took place inside the premises of a government school, here in Gole market area.
The NHRC issued notice to the Chief Secretary, Delhi Government and the Delhi Commissioner of Police, calling for a detailed report in the matter within four weeks.
While, the DCW has sought report from the Delhi police and the government school on the same by August 16, 2018.
The Delhi Commissioner of Police (DCP) today informed that the accused in the matter is being interrogated and the investigation is underway.
"The victim identified the man and he was arrested. He was working in the school since last 1.5-2 months and is currently being interrogated. Investigation in the matter is underway. Spot, where the incident took place, had no CCTV camera," the police said.
The accused, who worked as an electrician, allegedly took the six-year-old girl inside a pump room of the school on Thursday and raped her there.
The matter was revelled after the minor's mother found that the girl was profusely bleeding. She was immediately rushed to a medical centre, where it was confirmed that she was raped.